Pacific Northwest Labor Day 2022
5th Annual Pacific Northwest Labor Day Workshop
Friday, September 23, 2022
PCMF 2044
Oregon State University Portland Center
Portland, OR
Registration is requested:
8:40-9:00 Coffee and Welcome
9:00-10:05 Session 1: Policing and Migration
The Impact of Fatal Encounters on Trust in Police (Matthew Harvey, U. of Washington-Tacoma)
Venezuelan Migration in Ecuador (Kathryn Bollman, Oregon State U.)
10:05-10:20 Break
10:20-12:00 Session 2: Education I
1. Friends Don’t Let Friends Drop Out (Darius D. Martin, Western Washington U.)
2. Does Gender Quota Increase Educational Opportunities for Women? Evidence from a Quasi-Experimental Study in Afghanistan (Rafiuddin Najam, Oregon State U.)
3. Entrepreneurship Education and Teacher Training in Rwanda: Medium-term Evidence (Todd Pugatch, Oregon State U.)
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:10 Session 3: Education II
1. Access to Health Insurance in Early Childhood and Schooling in Mexico (Melissa Knox, U. of Washington)
2. The Impact of School and Childcare Closures on Labor Market Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Kairon Shayne D. Garcia, Washington State U.)
3. One four-day school week model for all? An analysis of state-specific four-day school week achievement impacts (Paul N. Thompson, Oregon State U.)
3:10-3:25 Break
3:25-4:30 Session 4: Labor Markets
1. Export Expansion and Labor Market Distortions: Evidence from Vietnam (Hoang Pham, Oregon State U.)
2. What Labor Supply Elasticities do Employers Face? Evidence from Field Experiments (Claus C. Pörtner, Seattle U.)
4:30 Adjourn
5:00 Dinner (not hosted)